Thursday, September 22, 2011

Dashed hopes

Well, today’s the day I lost hope.

It’s usually closer to 10dpo, but today is 4dp5dt, which I guess is close enough.

I just don’t feel like Teeny and Tiny are there anymore.

This happens every cycle but I really hoped this one would be different.

I know it’s probably irrational, it has no basis in fact, but this feeling still breaks my heart.


Emily said...

I'm so sorry that you feel this way. I totally (TOTALLY) get the feeling of YAY this worked followed by Sucky, sucky, there is no way my babes hung around, as I'm currently in my 2ww also.

Hang in there. Hopefully you are just having a down day and Teeny and Tiny are just waiting to show you all they have to offer!

Knitlass said...

:( sending positive thoughts and wishes in your direction. i just hope you are wrong...

Frankie Bee said...

I know how you feel - the last week of the 2 week wait is so brutal. But there is no way that you could tell if you are pregnant or not at this point, so don't lose hope! It's gonna work!

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry. It's so hard to hold onto hope. I'm still holding onto it for you, and I know I'm not the only one.

infertile-thoughts said...

Chin up. It's way too soon to tell just yet. Like you said this is the best chance you have ever had. Sure, why would it work this time? But really, why WOULDN'T it work?

My thoughts are with you!

Alex said...

The emotions we go through during the 2WW are so unbearable sometimes! Hang in there - there's no way to tell. Everything's crossed for you and your embies!

TheThirtiesGirl said...

I'm going to hold onto hope for you. Hope the time to beta goes quickly.

Chickenpig said...

It is so early to give up hope. I am still hopeful that you are pregnant right now. The 2ww wait is such torture :( I've got everything crossed for you. Just remember, it can take some embryos as long as 6 days just to implant, don't give up hope.

Jem said...

Please, please, please believe me when I say you need to concentrate on the following words:

"I don't know"

Repeat early and often. You just DON'T know at this point. There is no way you can. Please don't beat yourself up or lose hope. There is hope up until beta day and hopefully beyond.

Let it be okay to not know. Surrender!

Easier said than done, but it's the only way to stay sane.

Stacy said...

Hang in there Lulu! I have never felt pregnant at the beginning.

JM said...

Please, please don't give up yep! It's still so early. Hope is one of the hardest things to hold onto, I know... so we'll just hang onto it for you for now. FX.

mare said...

Oh Lulu, waiting is so hard. Thinking of you and hoping you are wrong. xoxo.

MaryMargaret said...

Yep. The 2WW sucks. Teeny and Tiny are doing their thing- and nothing you do or feel right no can change that. I'm keeping everything crossed for you that they are burrowing in deep. When is your beta?

Emily said...

I've been thinking of you a lot. Hoping that Teeny and Tiny are finally giving you the heads up that they stuck around