Sunday, January 10, 2010

Month One (was just practice anyway)

Well, it’s about time to deem Operation: Make a Baby unsuccessful for month one. Pretty disappointing, but I am armed with all sorts of tools for month two (mainly just ovulation tests but I like to make it sound like I’m more prepared than I am).
A note on the “first response” pregnancy tests – first response, my foot. They claim they are accurate 5 days before the missed period. What I didn’t realize is the day your period is supposed to start is the first day. So it’s really 4 days before your period is supposed to start, and 4 days out it only has an accuracy rate of 53%. Three days out it jumps up to around 74% (that was this morning, based on my calculations). So, four days before your period, you might as well save yourself a few bucks and just flip a coin.
Last night we went to our first “grown-up” party. Meaning that we were the youngest people there. It was hosted by a guy A teaches with at ISU and was primarily English faculty, their partners, and their children (if applicable). It was a karaoke party and the upside of having a negative pregnancy test yesterday morning was that I felt 53% sure it was harmless to have a glass of wine. So I did, and I sang two karaoke songs (“Lookin Out my Back Door” by CCR and “Livin on a Prayer” by Bon Jovi). I was quite proud of myself.
A had a lot of anxiety leading up to the party. He thought it was weird that these people were our professors just a few years ago, and now we’re their peers (kind of). It was a little weird, but mainly we had a really good time. It was fun to meet some new people and catch up with others.
Tomorrow a new girl starts at work. It’s always awkward when that happens. I have been at my job just over 15 months and this will my third time watching someone new start. Hmmmm. I am doing my part to welcome her though – I’m baking chocolate peppermint muffins. As long as they’re not terrible, I’ll bring them in.
Edit: they were terrible. I didn't bring them in.

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