Tuesday, September 18, 2012

One year ago today: Transfer

One year ago today, my sweet baby was a tiny embryo, and I was high on valium. He, and another embryo we'll never get to meet, came home to my uterus via a catheter in a doctor's office in another state.

I spent the drive home from that appointment repeating a positive mantra in my head. "We want you, we love you, we can't wait to meet you." I concentrated all of my energy on getting those little ones to implant.

Modern medicine is such a marvel. You take a young woman with PCOS and terrible eggs, who doesn't even ovulate - with a bajillion injections, tears, and sleepless nights: she's pregnant.

Alex and I have come so far in one year! From a nerve-wracking two week wait, to an anxiety-riddled pregnancy, an early delivery, and now a healthy, happy, gorgeous four-month-old.

I carried and delivered him; he made me a mom. It's hard to know who gave whom the more precious gift.


Joys Truly said...

This picture is adorably awesome. Cheers to modern medicine and your beautiful lil miracle.

LC said...

This post teared me up!!! What a miracle! :)

justagirl-Krista said...

OMG I love that picture I am so stealing that idea. Glad things are going well with motherhood.

Chon said...

I hear you! I thank ivf every single day!!

Stacy said...

YAY : ) What a cutie!

Still A Guest Room said...

Love everything about this!

Alex said...

I love this picture!!!